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By volunteering as a formal mentor, you will be able to use your career and life experiences to help an aspiring STEM student in their professional development. The ideal mentor is someone who has the time and a strong desire to help others grow personally and professionally. A successful mentor must be:

  • Highly regarded technically and interpersonally.
  • Willing to commit the time and energy to the mentoring process.
  • Willing to share knowledge, provide objective feedback, and help set development goals.
  • Willing to act as a sounding board and confidante.
  • Willing to participate in mentoring training to learn the tools of the program, and their roles and responsibilities as a mentor.
  • Open to feedback and suggestions for improving his/her effectiveness as a mentor.
  • Honors the principles of trust, respect, and confidentiality.

We will require a brief application expressing why you are interested in being a mentor.


The ideal mentee possesses a strong desire to learn from someone “who has been there before.” A successful mentee:

  • Demonstrates commitment and initiative to his/her own career growth and development.
  • Possesses a strong desire to expand organizational knowledge and skill base.
  • Values participation in open and honest discussions, and is receptive to feedback.
  • Honors the principles of trust, respect, and confidentiality.

We will require a brief application expressing what you hope to gain as a result of the program.