EXCEL aims to increase student success in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) during the transition to university life by connecting UCF students, faculty, and staff in STEM disciplines, and creating a learning community to support discovery and engagement. Science and Engineering subjects require that students have a strong mathematics foundation. EXCEL is structured to help students hone their math skills to easily master material in their STEM discipline and gain access to critical path courses for a timely graduation.
EXCEL by the numbers

Explore EXCEL

Through Girls EXCELing in Math and Science (GEMS), EXCEL connects students with a strong upper division mentor who offers the necessary guidance to guarantee a smooth transition from high school to college in your first year at UCF.

Undergraduate Research
Eligible students will be paired with an EXCEL faculty mentor to conduct research during the spring semester of the second year.

EXCEL Tutoring Center
Students have access to free math and science tutoring at the Center, which is staffed by our Teaching Assistants and undergraduate tutors.
Supported Majors in our Learning Community
EXCEL’s primary intervention centers around strengthening a
student's math foundation for success in their STEM discipline courses


Amber Lett
Amber is a senior studying Computer Engineering with a minor in Intelligent Robotic Systems and Mathematics at the University of Central Florida. She is a
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