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Hi! My name is Lun Cing and I am an industrial engineering major and mathematics minor. I am a sophomore at UCF and I graduated from College Academy at BCC in Davie, Florida. During spring 2018, I took two of my favorite classes here at UCF: statics and economic cost and analysis. They weren't easy classes especially statics, but I liked it because it challenged me. I found myself actually enjoying studying for those classes, believe it or not. They were my first real engineering courses and I'm relieved that I enjoyed them. My favorite professor might be Dr. Zaurin, my statics teacher. Not only was he funny and good at teaching, he cared for his students deeply. It's very rare to find an amazing professor like him. I decided to get involved with them GEMS program because I really wanted to make an impact on someone else's life. I expect to get close to my mentees so they can come to me for advice and I hope I can inspire at least one person during my time as a mentor for GEMS. And word of advice, I know stem majors are challenging but make time to do the things you love with the people you enjoy spending time with. Get involved on campus, whether it be doing group exercises at the gym or joining an organization, just get out there and make friends. You'll want to have good friends because college is a roller coaster. Some days you're just chilling but there will be times when you have no time to rest. That's why my advice is to surround yourself with good people and find what makes you happy so you can conquer those stressful days ahead without fear. I liked working out, kayaking, and going to downtown Orlando with my friends on the weekends, Remember, don't stress too much. Get your time management down, and you're gold!