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Hi! My name is Landry Goodwin, and I am a Sophomore Biology Major on the Marine Biology Track. In 2023, I graduated from A Crawford Mosley High School in Lynn Haven, Florida. One of my favorite classes so far has been the Biology 2 Lab because I can participate in work that I will eventually do in the field! My favorite professor so far has been Professor Thomas, who I took with Biology 1, because she made a hard class super easy to understand and is always happy to answer questions while providing support for incoming freshman. I decided to get
involved in GEMS because I wanted to meet new people and have support from people who are in my major. Now as a mentor, I am hoping to pass that wisdom onto others and help them meet new people too! Being in a STEM field can be really challenging, especially if you are a woman, so I am hoping to provide support and resources for my mentees. When I am not doing homework, one may find me painting, listening to music, or on a hike!