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My name is Deepa Shah, and I am a second year MS. Biotechnology Thesis track student in Self Lab at UCF. In 2020, I graduated with Bachelors in Pharmacy from University of Mumbai, India. My research and professional interest lie in nanomaterials and their application in finding a cure for Clostridioides difficile-related infections. With a background in Pharmacy and expertise in biotechnology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutics, and biochemistry, I am passionate about understanding disease biology, particularly infections, and developing effective treatment options. In my leisure moments, when scholarly pursuits and academic endeavors no longer occupy my mind, I find solace and enjoyment in the pursuits of painting, baking, dancing, and partaking in sporting activities such as badminton and basketball. I am here to assist you with any doubts or questions you may have, utilizing my knowledge and experience to help you excel in your studies and research projects. Remember to stay curious, dedicated, and open-minded in your pursuit of knowledge. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and never hesitate to seek guidance when needed. Together, we will strive for excellence in the field of biotechnology and make a positive impact on healthcare. Good luck and looking forward to meeting you all!

Words of advice to the incoming students: Embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead with an open mind and a curious spirit. Prioritize your studies while also exploring your passions. Build connections with peers and mentors to enrich your experience, and don’t hesitate to seek help when needed. Remember, this journey is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also about personal growth and self-discovery. Enjoy every moment and make the most of this exciting adventure!