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My name is Ashley Mojica, and I am a Computer Science major. This will be my third year at UCF. In 2020, I graduated from Mandarin High School in Jacksonville, Florida. One of my favorite classes at UCF is Applications for Object-Oriented System Software. I love this course because you are introduced to the various software development methods you will be using when creating software in the industry. To practice what you learn from the lectures, there is a semester-long group project where you and three other students create a project of your choice. My group created an interactive bowling game! This was a cool way to apply the content of the course to a project you are interested in. Also, a bonus is that the project looks great on your resume. One of my favorite professors at UCF is Professor Angell. I had her for both Introduction to C Programming and Computer Logic and Organization. She has such a vast knowledge about technology and can answer any question you have in an easily understood way. Especially in a course like Computer Logic and Organization where you learn the complex processes behind computing, having an amazing professor like Professor Angell is incredibly helpful. I wish she taught more of my upper-level computer science courses. I decided to become a mentor for the GEMS program because of my amazing experience as a mentee. Entering freshman year, I was overwhelmed. There was so much I did not know, and I had no idea where to begin to look for answers. Going through the GEMS program aided me tremendously in this process by allowing me to connect with other girls who were experiencing the same issues and could point me in the right direction to find a solution. Now that I have gained experience going through my first two years as a CS major, obtaining an internship and getting a research position, I want to help other students who were going through the same troubles as me along with giving them some tips I wish I knew earlier in my learning career. Some advice I have for incoming freshmen is to never forget what made you choose your major. When classes get tough and you start pondering whether it is worth it, remind yourself of that reason why. In my free time, I like to paint, play Minecraft, and watch every Marvel series/movie that has been recently released.